Delivery & Payment
Where do you ship?
We ship to all countries worldwide via DHL. Items that are shipped internationally might include extra fees like customs, VAT, and other clearance fees that are charged by the post office upon receiving the ordered items. All applicable duties shall be borne by the customer. Unfortunately we cannot estimate how much duties you will pay but your local customs should be able to estimate the price. We cannot be held responsible for any action and/or costs and/or taxes and/or delays due to customs over which it has no control.

If you’d like to know the status of your order, you can contact support at We are available 24/7. Please include your order details if possible.

How can I pay?
We accept Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards, PayPal and USDT cryptocurrency.
Please note that specific payment methods and options may vary depending on the location and the terms and conditions of the specific service or platform you are using for the purchase.
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